GWPR Handbook

Link to Online GWPR Handbook:

Ground Water Protection Regulation Handbook (September 2017)

The BC Ground Water Association is pleased to present Version 1 of the Ground Water Protection Regulation Handbook (September 2017). The Handbook is intended to be used as a reference tool for well owners and industry practitioners to:

  1. Understand their responsibilities in relation to wells as set out by the Groundwater Protection Regulation under the Water Sustainability Act;
  2. Access specific information in relation to well siting, construction, testing, operation, maintenance, deactivation, decommissioning, and reporting using simple language and clear illustrations; and
  3. Gain awareness of industry best practices, additional information sources, and other legislation that relates to the well drilling industry in BC.

The Handbook was compiled by GW Solutions Inc. and Capewell Design in Nanaimo, BC.  We are grateful to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy for helping to fund the Handbook, and to all members of the Handbook Committee for their written and editorial contributions.

Hardcopies are available to BCGWA members at a cost of $90 each, including postage and taxes.  Non-member price is $100 each, including postage and taxes.  Please contact if you have any questions or comments.

Purchase your hardcopy now!