Our Mission

To provide professional and technical leadership in the advancement of the groundwater industry and in the protection, promotion, and responsible development of groundwater resources.

To foster and promote education, standards, research and techniques that improve methods of well construction, materials, and service.

To encourage harmony and co-operation between members and government, and advance the mutual interest of those engaged in the groundwater industry for their own and public interest.

Our Directors


General Manager David Mercer(2018+)
Accounts Manager Laura Eby(2023+)

Executive Committee

President Mark MacNeil(2023 - 2025)
Vice President Marta Green(2023 - 2025)
Secretary Ron Nelson(2024 - 2026)
Treasurer Colin Slade(2023 - 2025)
Past President Morly Bishop(2023 - 2025)

Regional and Industry Group Directors

Cariboo Region Chris Bain(2024 - 2026)
Kootenay Region Tim Hoeschmann(2023 - 2025)
Okanagan Region Jennifer Brown(2023 - 2025)
Fraser Valley Region Kathy Tixier(2024 - 2026)
Vancouver Island Region Shane Lauzon(2023 - 2025)
Water Well Drilling Contractors Thomas Williams(2023 - 2025)
Geotechnical / Environmental Drilling Contractors Jeff Edwards(2024 - 2026)
Pump Suppliers & Installers Dan Evans(2024 - 2026)
Professional /Technical Members Chad Petersmeyer(2024 - 2026)
Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers Bret Tregarthen(2024 - 2026)
Geoexchange BC Liason Scott Steward (GeoExchange dissolved)()
Director-at-Large Jim Clark(2024 - 2026)